Children’s Week celebrates the right of every child to enjoy childhood and focuses attention on children, their rights and achievements. Everyone can get involved, parents, aunts, uncles, neighbours, teachers, friends…
So here are 10 ten things to plan in the tenth month of every year to celebrate the special kids in your life!
1. Pack a picnic and go find a grassy place in the shade and enjoy a picnic lunch with your favourite kids!
2. Plan a Treasure Hunt – think about the clues you can give and the treats that will be included.
3. Decorate your house or front gate with balloons and signs. You can make your own bunting to hang. See our template www.childrensweek.org.au
4. Organise a movie afternoon, use the films/ recordings of the littlest people in your life, or share the old recordings of the big people when they were little! Don’t forget to make popcorn, serve ice cream and dim the lights!
5. Make or buy a card and post to special children in your life. Children may want to make and send cards to friends so have card making session for adults and children then go for a walk to post them. Don’t’ forget to buy some stamps beforehand!
6. Plan a full week of bedtime stories about children or a full week of your favourite stories from childhood. Visit your local library for ideas and to borrow.
7. Collect childhood photos of adults that your children know and play a game of “ Guess Who”. Match the child to the adult. If playing all together, get each adult as they are matched correctly with their photo to share a favourite memory, game or funny story from their childhood.
8. Get out some favourite Board Games and plan an evening in to play them, better still, find your favourite Board game from your childhood and play it with your favourite kids!
9. Bake cupcakes to share for your child’s class or friends. Insert a Children’s Week Flag in each of them. See our template to make these fun little flags on www.nswchildrensweek.org
10. Write a letter to a child you know telling them what is so special about them. Remember to think of qualities about their personality and skills rather than physical attributes. Share your favourite memory of them and your wish for their future. If you like drawing or fancy yourself as a poet you can add more!
How will you celebrate Children’s Week?